Thursday, September 9, 2021

How I Got Over 500,000 YouTube (Subscribers) in any where


How I Got Over 500,000 YouTube (Subscribers) in  (And You Can Too)

subscribers without spending money on ads? Plus I am not famous, I’m not funny and I’m not a male model. 😉

I use a formula and it works well to get more YouTube subscribers for any industry and any account.

Even my clients at my marketing agency are using it and it’s working wonders for them. So much so most of them have over 100,000 subscribers now.

Now before I teach you how to get more subscribers, let me give you a quick overview…

How to Get More YouTube Subscribers

There’s a simple formula that I go into this article to getting more YouTube subscribers (which you can read below.

  1. Hook people with your intro
  2. Ask them to subscribe
  3. Create videos that are around 10 minutes long
  4. Ask people to leave comments (this is how you go viral)
  5. Respond to every comment with an answer and question
  6. Leverage YouTube shorts
  7. Run contests
  8. Do keyword research and use keywords within your title
  9. Optimize your thumbnails for click-through
  10. Promote your video hard in the first 24 hours through email/push notifications
  11. Don’t forget to upload the transcription

If you want to learn formula in-depth just keep reading below and I will go over what I just covered above. Or if you want the short version you can also watch the video below.

Notice how a lot of the YouTube videos he creates are on topics related to business and success.

Having a theme makes it easier to create consistent YouTube content.

On top of that, you can make your channel the ‘go-to’ place for specific content. This is the goal of a social media platform.

If your channel caters to a specific niche, then people who care deeply about that niche will want to become subscribers.

For example, imagine your videos are all about Facebook marketing, and you aim to help business owners.

If a business owner who wants to learn more about Facebook marketing subscribes to your YouTube channel, they’ll get an update any time you post content.

This helps them stay ahead of the curve without having to do a lot of work.

If you’re struggling to come up with a theme for your channel, think about the problems your business solves and who it solves those problems for.

Then, produce videos based on the topics you know will help the people your business serves.

Post Incredible Content to Gain YouTube Subscribers

Many marketers agree that video converts better than other forms of media.

If you want to drive conversions, you need to learn how to create incredible content on your media platform.

Plus, if you can create incredible content, then a lot of the work related to growing your subscriber count is already done.

When people subscribe to your channel, they’re essentially signing up to get updates whenever a new piece of content is posted.

If your content is great, people won’t mind hearing from you again because their initial interaction with you and your content was positive.

Whether that’s a learning experience, an entertainment experience, or both — it’s worth watching your videos.

And remember that people take the time to watch great content.

According to Hubspot, 54 percent of people want to see more video content from marketers. This is a good foundation for your media platform that will expand social networks.

If your content is excellent, then you’ll benefit from the fact that 54 percent of senior executives share content with their social networks.

So how do you produce incredible content that makes viewers want to subscribe and share?

Start by focusing on producing content that is relevant to your target audience.

Provided that you’re sticking to a theme, as mentioned before, it shouldn’t be too hard to come up with a way to produce valuable content.

Then, use these tips.

Look for Popular Keywords on YouTube

Let’s say that you want to create a channel that covers the topic of ‘pencil drawing.’

One way to develop content ideas is by simply entering the broad keyword of ‘pencil drawing’ into the YouTube search engine.

YouTube is the second-largest search engine globally, so we know there’s going to be some relevant data here.

Use Video Editing to Improve the Quality of Your YouTube Videos

When it comes to video editing, you have a couple of solutions. When speaking about video editing, what we’re referring to is improving your videos’ style and not so much about removing minor mistakes.

More often than not, you’re going to make minor mistakes when recording your video. You don’t need to put tons of focus into removing these bits, as they don’t harm your video all that much.

In fact, they might even help your video as they let other people know that they’re dealing with a real person rather than a sly media marketing salesman.

Where editing can come in handy, though, is when you need to create cuts in your video or add a title screen.

If you’re not an accomplished video editor, you could seek someone from Upwork or perhaps even Fiverr.

improve YouTube subscribers with video editing

Alternatively, you could purchase a video editing suite and learn to do everything yourself.

That method might save you a bit more money, though you might end up spending a lot more time learning how to edit videos on your own. This takes time away from your media marketing.

That might not be the best trade-off, depending on your circumstances.

As mentioned, you don’t want to over-edit your videos, though you want to give them a sense of style that separates you from the crowd.

Often, the easiest way to do this is by having custom intro music and a custom title screen.

Another way that you can post incredible content is by creating videos based on your product being used.

Demonstration videos can go a long way in showcasing your product as something worth buying.

You can even turn some of your blog posts into videos.

Okay, so that’s the basics of creating incredible content.

The next point will be essential if you want to ensure that your YouTube subscriber rates grow consistently over time.

Get More YouTube Views by Posting Often and Consistently

This is probably the hardest part of growing a YouTube following — though it can also be one of the most important.

Posting content consistently is a great way for you to compete with other businesses post a few times a month — or even just a few times a year.

Plus, if you’re constantly posting new content, then people have a reason to become a subscriber and share it on their social networks.

After all, people are less likely to subscribe if you’re not going to post any more content — why should they?

If you use the tips mentioned earlier, then coming up with ideas for posting new content is pretty easy.

You just need to set a schedule and stick to it.

How Often Should You Post New YouTube Videos?

If you want to keep things simple, look at what your competition is doing, and then one-up them. If they are posting twice a week, aim for three times a week.

Sometimes, however, the best plan is the one you can stick to.

Consistency in your media marketing campaign is important, as it’ll keep existing subscribers coming back for more. This will result in more YouTube views — and also improve engagement.

Engagement on a video tends to come in the following forms:

  • Thumbs up or Thumbs Down
  • Social sharing
  • Subscribing
  • Commenting
  • Favoriting

Ideally, you want to improve the engagement levels in each of these categories through any social media site.

Another mind-blowing fact is that 700 videos are shared every minute on Twitter. So while YouTube is not a social media site, it is a valuable tool for any social media marketing platform.

Great engagement will help make the video more visible on the YouTube search engine.

This will expose your video to more people, who can then become subscribers themselves.

If you want to view some statistics in terms of how your videos perform, you can use the YouTube analytics dashboard.

You’ll have to test which one works better, though it could just be that this symbol serves a similar purpose to what the colon would have done.

When it comes to creating YouTube headlines, you’ll want to follow the rules that already exist for blog posts.

You need to have a mix of something that people are searching for and something that grabs their attention. This is core media marketing that can lead to social network inclusion.

You can do that by using the keyword your video targets in the headline and then including power words in the gaps.

As we’ve discussed, the style of your videos is going to influence the headline. If you have a ‘how-to’ video, then you’ll need to account for that in your headline.

Similar to blog post headlines, numbers also tend to work well in YouTube headlines.

Use Engaging YouTube Thumbnails

When it comes to the thumbnail, there are a couple of approaches that you could take.

The first is to show a clear image of whatever the video is about. For example, if you’re talking about a laptop, you’d want to include a picture of a laptop.